summer 2025 updates
WEEKS typically fill up so register early to guarantee your spot!
Each week will have a different theme focused on a biblical truth. Our activities, games, crafts and bible lessons will correlate with each theme. (*PLEASE NOTE – if attending only a few days campers WILL miss certain activities and recreation opportunities. Our weeks are jammed packed with fun, each day has a different set of activities and may change due to the weather. Check website or email our office with schedule changes). PARENTS WILL RECEIVE A WEEKLY EMAIL for any week they are registered for. This email will provide important daily information about your week. It will include the lunch menu, activity schedule and any special activity we may be doing!
Registration Fee:
Registration fee is non-refundable and DOES NOT come off your first weeks payment. Registration Fee is PER CAMPER
- $25 Early Registration Fee (until May 1st, 2025)
- $35 Late Registration Fee (May 2nd and after, 2025)
Cost: FULL WEEK OPTION – Base Rate $175 / K-3rd grader $195/ 4th-8th grader
Bus Fee: $15/week
Sibling Discount – Discounts giving to sibling living in same household. $20 off each additional camper.
$40 per day (no sibling discounts). Must sign up for at least 3 days of the week. NO 1 or 2 day attenders unless you pay the 3-day rate.
This year ALL activity fees are included in your weekly cost. See weekly cost for each week to know if price is different from the base rate.
Call office for other multiple children and group rates
Mailing address for forms & registration
Camp Manna Ministries
243 Gibson Way – Mocksville, NC 27028
Registration should be completed ONLINE. If you have trouble with online registrations, you can schedule a time to come to the office and we will help you get registered!
Register ASAP to guarantee your spot! Bus spots are first come, first serve!
2025 open house
OPEN HOUSE: Sunday June 1st, 2025, 4:00-6:00pm
Open house is a great time to see the facility, meet some of our staff and pick up your camp t-shirt. It is a completely OPTIONAL event. Students who don’t come to open house, will get their camp t-shirt the first week they attend!
Hours & bus routes
Hours: We are open Daily M-F from 7:30am – 5:30 pm
*call office if you need earlier drop off time…extra fee attached
Pick up sites are available at Mocksville Library and Advance Bermuda Quay Shopping Center. There is a $15 weekly fee. Bus spots are First Come/First Serve
Mocksville Pick Up/Drop Off – 7:45a – 8:00 am and 5:00-5:20 pm.
Advance Pick up and Drop off – 7:45a- 8:00am and 5:00-5:20 pm
Sickness & Behavior Policy
Sickness – Please DO NOT send your camper to camp with signs or symptoms of illness. Must be fever free for 24 hours without meds before returning to camp. Please keep in mind that illnesses can spread quickly in a camp environment. We want to maintain a healthy environment for both staff and campers. Please be mindful of others and keep your camper home if they are not feeling well.
Behavior – Students will not be allowed to use foul language, tease or make fun of anyone, be disrespectful to students or staff or fight in any manner. Camp Manna holds the right to suspend or expel any student for not following camp rules.
Canteen is a time in the afternoon where students can hang out at the arbor and purchase special snack items, ice creams, Gatorade, etc. (SPECIAL NOTE: GRADES K-1 will NOT do canteen. They will get to have a special snack on Friday served out of canteen window for their ‘CANTEEN TIME” no additional money needed for these snacks.)
We offer a canteen bank where students can place money in the bank and we will keep it for them all week. If they attend multiple weeks we will roll over their balance. If they are a single week attender, they will be given their balance on Friday.
Students may choose to keep their money with their belongings. (T/W/TH/FRI)
august plans
Our last week of summer camp is schedule for Aug 4-8th
We do plan on running a mini-week for Aug Aug 12-14th (Tues-Thurs) This week is only available for students who have attended one of our previous weeks. You can register for this week by contacting our office.
***After School Care***
Registration for after school care will be available August 1st 2025
Contact Office with Questions. Thank you!
Weekly Schedule: A newsletter will be EMAILED the week before your child is scheduled to attend. Please contact our office with questions or concerns about schedule. YOUR PAYMENT for tuition will also be emailed the Wednesday before your week of summer camp. You can follow the link and pay online anytime before Camp begins on Monday. If you prefer to pay with cash or check please make payment Monday morning of your campers week of camp. Camper cannot start camp without payment received by our office.
Crafts(k-3rd), Archery (4th-8th) and Boating will begin on Mondays (unless there is bad weather). Special Game times and Theme related activities will occur on Monday as well.
SWIM days on the lake. Swimming times are throughout the day based on ages. If campers choose to swim, they must swim during their age group's swim time (this is for the safety of all our campers).
Craft (4th-8th), Archery Day (k-3), and boating (all grades). Camp wide games and theme special games will occur on Wednesdays (ie color runs, pbj races, underground church etd.)
SWIM days on the lake Swimming times are throughout the day based on ages. If campers choose to swim, they must swim during their age group's swim time (this is for the safety of all our campers).
Friday we offer boating if time allows. Other special events and activities usually occur on Fridays (special snacks, talent shows, competitions, etc.) MOVIE day...We usually show a movie for each age group on Fridays. Students can bring pillowpets/pillows, etc (must be able to fit in their camp cubby) to have during movie time (usually 1hr long).
Everyday, campers will enjoy all kinds of activities around the camp, participate in Game Time, hear incredible truths from God's word, have chapel time, play at obstacle courses & gym, and be encouraged to display strong character skills. Regular Camp Activities include: Archery, Canoeing, Paddle Boating, netting, game time, group challenge time, devotions, crafts, etc. Campers will participate in these activities at various times throughout the week. If you have a daily attender your camper will miss certain activities. Due to our schedule we cannot make up those activities.